In this talk, Joe Houghton demonstrates how CANVA, a free-to-use and very powerful graphic design tool can help in photography-related media creation.

In the 2-hour talk, Joe will create a portfolio website, a calendar, and a flyer for a club event, showing how to get the most from this versatile and easy-to-use tool.

All of Joe’s own talk and photographic business graphics and materials are created using CANVA - why not see if it could help you up your media presentations too?

Premiering with the Royal Photographic Society on 15th September 2023, this talk is then available for other clubs to book…

RPS Digital Imaging Group - 16th September 2023

Give Joe a call to see when it would fit into the diary - I can do weekends as well!

With over 800 Zoom presentations delivered since Covid struck, Joe is in high demand as a club speaker, and has a portfolio of different talks and courses on offer. If this series doesn’t suit your programme, check out the others on offer at the main talks page :